Upgrade your Internet Explorer to a newer version
You have logged into Connequity using an older unsupported version of Internet Explorer (IE9 or below).
Why should I upgrade?
IE9 (and below) is less secure. Trust and security are incredibly important to us at Connequity. There have been multiple security vulnerabilities discovered in these older browsers over the years.
IE9 (and below) is not HTML5 compatible. IE9 was first released in 2006, and IE10 was released in 2009. These browsers do not support the rich Internet apps our members have come to expect, namely HTML5. HTML5 doesn’t rely on plugins, and provides a faster application experience.
Microsoft® will stop supporting IE9 and IE10 in January 2016. For more information please visit Microsoft’s support website: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/endofsupport.aspx.
Our customers are moving to newer browsers. A very small percentage of our customers are using IE9. Our customers are trending towards newer browsers, and we want to develop features that best serve our member community.